Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the Company

When was the Company established?

The Company was established in August 1959.

What are the origins of the Company name?

The Aval Data company name was derived from the word “available.” The current name was adopted in February 1989.

Which market are the Company’s shares listed on?

The Company’s shares are listed on the Standard Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

What types of products does the Company sell, and where are those products used?

The Company has been producing control systems for industrial equipment using microcomputers since its founding days. Currently, the Company develops and manufactures board-type computers such as CompactPCI computers. These products are embedded in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, industrial robots, and inspection equipment used on manufacturing lines. They are also used in equipment in various other fields such as automatic ticket gates at stations, transportation network monitoring systems, theater lighting control systems, medical analysis devices, and vision testing devices. One of the characteristics of the Company’s products is that they are used in places that are not easily visible.

What environmental initiatives does the Company undertake?

The Company obtained certification under the ISO 14001 international standard for environmental management systems on January 18, 2001 and seeks to be an environmentally-friendly company.

What is the Company’s corporate philosophy?

The Company’s corporate philosophy is referred to as “A'VALue,” by which we pledge to always pursue and provide the value needed by customers.

Questions concerning financial results and finances

When is the end of the Company’s fiscal year?

The Company’s fiscal year ends on March 31 of each year.
The Company also announces quarterly financial results.

When are financial results announced?

The scheduled announcement dates for financial results and other information are stated in investor relations news.
When financial results are released, the Company also provides notice of when subsequent financial results briefings will be held.

Where can the latest financial results information be found?

Refer to the investor relations news.

Where can forecasts of results be found?

Refer to the investor relations news.

Where can securities reports, quarterly reports, and so on be accessed?

These reports can be viewed on the website of the Financial Services Agency (EDINET) as well as on the Company’s website.
Financial Services Agency:

Questions concerning shares

How many shares are in a shared trading unit?

A trading unit of the Company’s shares is 100 shares.

Who are the securities underwriters?

The lead securities underwriter is Nomura Securities. The deputy underwriters are SMBC Nikko Securities, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, and Tokai Tokyo Securities.

Who should I ask questions concerning procedures relating to shares?

Shareholders should submit any inquiries concerning shares to the securities company where they have an account. Shareholders who opened a special account because they do not have an account with a securities company should submit inquiries to Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited, the special accounts administrator.
Link to Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank’s website

Who should I ask about procedures concerning payment of unpaid dividends?

Submit inquiries to Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited, the shareholder registry administrator.
Link to Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank’s website

What is the status of the Company’s shares?

Securities reports and other information can be found on the Company’s website.

Are there any benefits programs for shareholders?

There are no benefits programs at this time.

Does the Company plan to implement a share split?

There are no such plans at this time.